Must Have Toys for Speech and Language

Are There Certain Toys that are Better to Use for Speech and Language Development? 

The answer is YES! There are some toys that are better than others to use when building your child's communication skills. Toys can be a great tool to help encourage speech and language development. You can use toys to target specific speech and language development goals such as social skills, grammar, turn taking, emotional regulation, speech sound practice, and increasing vocabulary and sentence length. 

How to Choose the Best Toys

Here are a couple of guidelines to follow when choosing the best types of toys for your toddler.
You will want to figure out the following: 

Will the toy grow with the child?
  • Is the toy something that your child can use as they grow and go through different developmental stages? Example: Blocks may be used when your child is first developing play skills to stack on top of each other or knock down. As your child grows they may use blocks to build houses or use during pretend play. 
Can the toy be used to encourage speech and language skills? 
  • Are you able to incorporate specific skills during play with this toy. Example: Are you able to model different emotional responses, include problem solving skills, build vocabulary, combine words into sentences as you interact with your child, or practice speech sounds? 
Does the toy spark imagination? 
  • Does the toy present with opportunities to use your imagination and create a story or expand the child's thinking? Example: Dollhouse: Your child may create names for the little people, create a story about what they are doing or different conflicts.
Can the toy be used with other people to strengthen social interaction? 
  • Toys that can be used to take turns, learn how to work together, express emotions, and gain social skills are great toys to use during development. Example: Bubbles are great because one person will blow the bubbles and the other can pop them. The two have to interact using eye contact, requesting more bubbles, and use turn taking. 

Top 5 Picks for Ages 1-2 Years Old

  • Blocks
  • Bubbles
  • Cars
  • Ball
  • Mr. Potato Head

Top 5 Picks Ages 2-4 Years Old

  • Farm set
  • Dollhouse
  • Kitchen set
  • Baby doll
  • Play Dough


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